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Chazak is a pulsating and dynamic community-based organization established over a decade ago by Rabbi Shlomo Farhi and Rabbi Moshe Levy. Chazak’s goal is to offer an array of sumptuous spiritual food to the Sephardic community with programming that is fresh, relevant and exciting.
We aim to build bridges and work in collaboration with other community-based organizations, schools and synagogues, inspiring thousands of Jews with loyalty and pride, instilling in them a commitment to our culture, heritage and continuity.
We appeal to all ages across the community with content that is engaging and interactive, ensuring that age-old and sacred traditions find resonance with current, 21st Century Jews who are living in the modern world.
To date, we have touched tens of thousands of Jews and continue to enrich the global community with verve and inimitable passion.

We Energize

We at Chazak believe that our youth are our future. Our vision is to build a youth that is energized and equipped with strong ideals and solid tools to ensure a promising future for the whole community. We pledge to continue to work with great verve and commitment to instill a palpable pride in our authentic Sephardic traditions and ensure that the learning process is exciting, fun and positive.

We Empower

Chazak has established itself as a firm part of the lives of thousands of teens who participate in the weekly programmes and trips that are run to ignite their Jewish pride and passion for learning. This dedicated investment in turn, empowers them to play their part in the Jewish narrative. Our programmes are hugely popular with both Sephardi and Ashkenazi teens from both Jewish and non-Jewish schools across the globe.

We Unite

The building of a cohesive community is Chazak’s primary focus, as a unified community creates a fertile ground for growth and development. Chazak works with all segments of the community, strengthening and invigorating the level of learning and observance. This year, programmes were expanded to include a full Shabbat UK repertoire, which included a Challah Bake that attracted 1000 people. Learning opportunities were expanded to offer weekly shiurim for all ages at the Chazak Centre, with a course titled ‘Legacy of Leaders’. We have also created two outstanding courses on Shalom Bayit and parenting. Our exciting Shabbat Chazak programmes were enriched by overseas speakers, Ari Ben Soussan from Jerusalem, and Yaffa Palti from San Diego. Chazak has also helped to unify the whole community during the High Holy Days, with the many Shiurim given by Rabbi Shlomo Farhi, Rabbi Yitsy David and Rabbi Moshe Levy across twenty different synagogues, reaching over 4,000 individuals.The programmes we run to reach these goals include Lunch &Learns within the school day as well as after-school programmes at the Chazak Centre. These are social, educational and fun-filled and are particularly well attended. Educators for these programmes include, Rabbi Moshe Levy, Rabbi Yitsy David, Rabbi Doron Birnbaum, Sam Hass, Ephy Broder, Abi Korc and Shira Drui

We Connect

Chazak is committed to connecting young professionals to create a stronger and more vibrant Jewish future for the London Jewish community. Our young professionals (YPs) department has grown steadily over the last few years to incorporate more programmes that appeal to a wide demographic, hailing from the UK, Europe, America, Israel and South Africa. Activities include monthly and weekly Shiurim, as well as interesting sessions given by dynamic lay leaders to niche groups of YPs. We also run heritage trips to connect YPs to their roots and nurture a love of Judaism. This goal is also echoed in our vibrant Shabbat /Yom Tov programming.

We Unite

The building of a cohesive community is Chazak’s primary focus, as a unified community creates a fertile ground for growth and development. Chazak works with all segments of the community, strengthening and invigorating the level of learning and observance. This year, programmes were expanded to include a full Shabbat UK repertoire, which included a Challah Bake that attracted 1000 people. Learning opportunities were expanded to offer weekly shiurim for all ages at the Chazak Centre, with a course titled ‘Legacy of Leaders’. We have also created two outstanding courses on Shalom Bayit and parenting. Our exciting Shabbat Chazak programmes were enriched by overseas speakers, Ari Ben Soussan from Jerusalem, and Yaffa Palti from San Diego. Chazak has also helped to unify the whole community during the High Holy Days, with the many Shiurim given by Rabbi Shlomo Farhi, Rabbi Yitsy David and Rabbi Moshe Levy across twenty different synagogues, reaching over 4,000 individuals.

We Experience

Chazak continues to innovate ways to create a space for authentic experiential education. Immersive experiences in the form of our trips have proven to be very effective in connecting people of all ages and stages to our colourful heritage. Community trips have been well attended, with outstanding feedback received. Destinations are chosen because they are a fundamental part of our Jewish narrative, and for their cultural richness. Trips have been taken to Morocco, Amsterdam, Spain, Israel and Poland. One of the highlights of the Chazak calendar is the Year 12 Israel trip with Rabbi Yitsy David, which has become synonymous with positive impact on teenagers’ views of our land and our religion. We are committed to ensuring that our trips department continues to expand, enabling greater connection and inspiration for the entire gamut of our community.

We Reach

Social media allows us to reach a far more expansive audience than would otherwise be possible, and Chazak has capitalized on our outstanding educators and creative content by employing various social media platforms to communicate messages with the global village. This is evident in Rabbi Shlomo Farhi’s Shabbatify videos and Rabbi Moshe Levy’s explanatory ‘Why Do’ series, enabling thousands of people to engage with high-level content to connect them to stirring spiritual messages. To date, Chazak’s content has had over 1.2 million views.

We Export

The Chazak brand has become renowned worldwide for its colorful vibrancy and fresh approach. The talent and vision of the Chazak team has been exported to enrich communities the world over, including Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Panama and Mexico. We are committed to imparting the timeless wisdom of Torah so that the spiritual messages of our heritage are easily relatable to 21st century Jewish life. Our future goals include more collaboration between the Chazak London community and the global Chazak community, with expansions to New York and Los Angeles.