Rabbi Farhi, affectionately known as Reb Shlomo to his thousands of fans across London and various social media platforms, is the founder of Chazak. Rabbi Farhi has been blessed with a unique ability to dream big dreams, but more importantly with the ability to create the partnerships that have enabled his dreams to come to fruition for the benefit of the community at large.

He has been instrumental in pioneering the way forward for the organisation, and, in doing so has moved the hearts and souls of thousands with his fresh, exciting and innovative Torah insights that are so relevant to modern day living. His dreams to spread Torah and to inspire Sephardic pride in the London community have been realised, and he now hopes to bring those same dreams to the Safra Synagogue in New York, where he has taken up the position as Senior Rabbi, together with his wife Chana and their six children.


A descendent from a long lineage of Sephardic rabbis (his great grandfather was the last Chief Rabbi of Yemen), Rabbi Moshe Levy grew up in Brooklyn, New York where he received a degree in Finance from Touro College and went on to receive Rabbinic ordination in Eretz Yisrael while studying in the Kollel of Rabbi Yitschak Berkowitz Shilita. Rabbi Levy has experience in teaching sixth form students in JFS, Immanuel College, City of London Boys, Haberdashers Boys and gives weekly classes in Hasmonean Boys and Girls School. His weekly Lunch and Learn classes in Hatton Garden are oversubscribed and he is a regular guest speaker in synagogues, as well as at Jewish events, throughout London.

Moshe is the ‘Yalla’ man! It’s not just an ethos, it’s his modus operandi. His achievements to date are astounding and his signature tenacity and absolute commitment to our community have enabled him to build the strong foundations Chazak stand on today. He has become the glue of the community, bringing everyone together for fun family days and long Shabbat afternoons of motivation and inspiration. A much sought-after speaker for schools, synagogues, university students and communal events it’s hard to imagine how one man can be doing so much!


Chana Levy is wife to Rav Moshe and a partner to him in all that he sets out to achieve. She is a sister to Rabbi Farhi and embodies the Farhi warmth in her interactions with others. Chana is famous for her culinary delights that look as exquisite as they taste, and has run many cooking demos as well as numerous Challah baking events for women of all ‘ages and stages’. She takes great pleasure from these and imbues them with palatable spirituality and Sephardic energy. Chana’s five children ensure that their home is a welcoming and energised place to be.


Rabbi Yitsy displays a unique blend of charisma and humility which is enhanced by a sincere and pure love for Torah and the Jewish people. His charm and teaching style has allowed him to shine and spread his wisdom to hundreds of students, young families and the community at large.

He is an incredibly talented educator, totally committed to Chazak and to enriching the Sephardi community. More than an educator, he is a builder! Someone who has laid the foundations of so much of what Chazak has become, paving the way for the new generation. He has set up Chazak programming in many schools, set up the Community Centre and, together with his wife, has helped tens of couples to the Chuppah.


Ruty is a formidable partner to her husband Rabbi Yitsy, mother to their five special children and a most inspiring role model. Her vivacious and effable personality ensure that many are drawn to her as she inspires everyone around her with beautiful warmth and a non-judgmental way of engaging. She is renowned for her relatable manner, as demonstrated by the many brides who seek her out to help prepare them for their weddings, and is authentic in her passionate commitment to spreading Torah values. She is a genuine asset to Chazak, and together with her husband will work hard to ensure the growth of Chazak in the coming years.


Born in London, Rabbi Kahlani had been living in Jerusalem where he co-founded Kehilat Avriechim Har Nof, a dynamic community in Har Nof for English speaking families living in Jerusalem, and had been studying in Yeshiva for the last seventeen years until moving to the UK this summer with his wife Ora and their 5 children to join Chazak.
Starting in Beis Yisroel, Rabbi Kahlani moved on to the Mir Yeshiva where he learnt under, and became a Talmid of R’ Osher Arieli shlita. Having spent almost six years in R’ Osher’s legendary Gemara Shiur, Rabbi Kahlani then joined a chabura of graduates from R’ Osher’s shiur where they continued in their studies learning Sedarim Kodshim and Moed eventually resulting in Rabbi Kahlani receiving Smicha from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg shlita. Rabbi Kahlani also studied for almost a decade under Rabbi Moshe Shapira zt’l until his passing and was greatly influenced by his teachings. Whilst studying, Rabbi Kahlani also gave weekly shiurim to bachurim in the Mir and other Yeshivot and forums in Jerusalem.


From Brooklyn to Israel to Mexico City to San Diego and now Miami, Rebbetzin Yaffa Palti has been actively involved in community affairs, teaching, lecturing, and has led challah bakes for thousands of women across the US, for many years.
As a speaker, Yaffa lectures on many diverse topics, mostly inspirational, motivational and transformational; all profound, enlightening and unique and filled with humor and amusement.
Yaffa comes from a Torah observant background, and was raised in a home infused with chessed and unconditional acceptance. She is a singer/songwriter and often blends together her lectures and melodies. She is also a trained educator as well as a certified substance abuse professional.


The name Hannah Flax is synonymous with extraordinary events. Hannah is the creative genius on the team who not only manages the goings on at Chazak with natural flair and finesse but is also able to transpose the vision of the Chazak into fairy-tale occasions. Her events exude her panache, with every minute detail accounted for, to ensure that Chazak’s brand of excellence is upheld. She makes dreams a reality and leaves no stone unturned to ensure Chazak sets the bar for world-class activities (including the sourcing of authentic camel rides for the Mashalla Fair!)


Shira is an extraordinary networker and is able to connect with a wide range of people from across the board. Her love of spirituality and gregarious personality has enabled her to build valuable and deep relationships with a wide range of demographics as she connects through the written and spoken word. Shira shares relatable and inspirational messages at lunch & learns for secondary school students, runs chic and trendy events for Young Professionals, and is instrumental in orchestrating women’s learning programmes.

She is a passionate wordsmith and the editor of Yalla, Chazak’s community magazine, where her words have found a deep resonance with a broad and diverse audience.



Pini is the man with the plan and ensures that, operationally, all of Chazak’s activities run smoothly. He loves and is beloved to all he meets, and his genuine warmth and open heartedness have brought many to the Chazak events which he organises with devotion and passion. His Sephardic pride is palpable and it is this energy which is the priceless quality that has made him such a valuable part of the Chazak team.


Shimon is incredibly gifted in his ability to skilfully capture the incredible moments and narratives that make up the goings on of Chazak. His quick wit and thorough understanding of the Chazak brand have made him an exceptionally valuable member of the team. His superb videos reflect his modern and fresh style, which is evident in the super-cool promo and highlight videos he produces superbly, at breakneck speed. He has bolstered our social media output by creating world-class media content including bite-size online videos like Rabbi Farhi’s Shabbatify and Rabbi Levy’s ‘Why Do?’


Rabbi Doron has become a Chazak sensation as he welcomes the youth every afternoon to The Chazak Centre, their home away from home. He has established himself in the community as an educator who is relatable and has a firm finger on the pulse of today’s youth. His genuine care and warmth have made him a motivational mentor who is trusted, loved and respected by his many adoring fans! He is down to earth, a die-hard FIFA player and always has an inspiring dose of wisdom to share. His understanding and open-minded approach have meant that he has become a most valued member of the team.


Originally from London, England, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff graduated with honors in political science from Manchester University. After working for MTV in news production, and winning the national competition ‘Jewish Stand-Up Comedian’ of the Year, Rabbi Hajioff traveled to study in Israel and then Monsey to receive his rabbinical smicha ordination from Yeshiva Ohr Somayach. Rabbi Hajioff is the educational director of Birthright Israel Alumni in Manhattan, New York. He has been instrumental in implementing programs for Birthright Israel in Manhattan such as the very successful adult bar and bat mitzvah program which some four hundred people have completed so far. He also leads trips to Israel and Poland three times a year for hundreds of young professionals. On behalf of Birthright Israel, he leads leadership trips to Israel, Poland, and Prague. Rabbi Hajioff is on the full-time faculty of Stern College for Women at Yeshiva University. His very popular credited courses include courses on Jewish Philosophy, Mysticism, Jewish holidays, Shabbat and many others. He teaches introductory Judaic studies courses, which cover all the foundations of Jewish thought. He recently received the “Professor of the Year” award in Judaic Studies from the senior year students at Stern.  His very popular book “Jew Got Questions” was published by Feldheim in 2014 Rabbi Hajioff lives in Wesley Hills with his wife Anita and their five children


Rabbi Reuven Ibragimov spiritual leader and innovator. He was one of the founders of Roots Eitz Chaim a nascent grassroots movement serving collegiates and YJP’s in the NY area. He served as campus Chaplin and Program Director at Brooklyn College and Long Island University, Hillel, the OU’s JLIC, the Brownstone and RAJE (Russian-American Jewish Experience), and RAJEon. Ibragimov has been spending his time developing cutting-edge programs for collegiates, YJP’s, and newlyweds in the community giving them a sense of community and a place to share issues and find companionship with peers. He lives in Long Island with his wife Nalini, Educational Director of Souled, and their six fabulous children.


Rabbi Sultan is one of the most sought-after Mohels in the US. He performs circumcisions as painlessly as possible, according to Jewish law. To become a certified Mohel, one must complete extensive studies on the intricacies of the procedure. Being the son of a well-known 50+ year veteran Mohel, Rabbi Sultan decided to seek additional coursework and certification internationally. Since then, Rabbi Sultan has performed circumcisions all over the world and on males of all ages.

Rabbi Sultan is a full-time Mohel with close to 15 years of experience, performing circumcisions on males of all ages. His unique method, skills, and professionalism are recognized and well known. He is affiliated with both Kaiser Permanente and Cedar-Sinai Medical Center of Los Angeles.

Rabbi Sultan is fluent in English, French, Hebrew, and Spanish. In addition, he is equally known for the warmth of his personality and is highly regarded for the circumcision ceremony. He involves the various generations within the family and beautifully explains the significance of the occasion. He also sings beautifully the traditional songs for both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Brit Milah ceremonies.

Connecting with parents and ensuring the finest aesthetic results, has gained Rabbi Sultan his reputation as being the best Mohel in Los Angeles California.


Rabbi Ari Bensoussan is a Talmud of Mir Jerusalem and Lakewood BMG. A Musmach of the Jerusalem Rabbinate and Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz shlita. He has been teaching students from all over the world for 12 years. He co-founded Yeshivat Ruach Chaim in Jerusalem and was a Senior Lecturer in the Derech program at Yeshiva Ohr Samayach in Jerusalem. Rabbi Ari enjoys a very close relationship with his many students and constantly reflects on his own learning done in the Jerusalem Kollel under Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz where Rabbi Ari received semicha from the Jerusalem Rabbinate. Recently, Rabbi BenSoussan moved with his wife and 4 boys to L.A. where he is heading a new branch of Chazak International, a community outreach initiative.


A graduate of Yeshiva of Flatbush, Rabbi Mizrahi attended Yeshivat Mikdash Melech in Jerusalem, and then on to Kollel Yehave Da’at, under the leadership of Rav David Yosef shalita and Kollel Hacham Baruch under Rabbi Yaakov Benhaim shalita where he received his semicha. In 2014, he taught at his alma mater, where he inspired all to strive for excellence and truth. In 2018, he became Assistant Rabbi in the Edmond J Safra synagogue NYC, guiding, providing counsel, and spreading Torah to the local communities and beyond. He currently lives in NYC with his wife Frieda and their three wonderful children.


  • Miguel Abadi
  • Robert Baruch
  • Joey Esfandi
  • David Kattan
  • Freddy Kelaty
  • Edward Misrahi
  • Daniel Tamman
  • Family Toledano

Advisory Board

  • Miguel Abadi
  • Adino Ebrahimoff
  • Michael Esfandi
  • Rebecca Masri MBE
  • Jonathan Moradoff (Trustee)