

by Rabbi Ari Bensoussan Director, Chazak LA It all began with a man who was known to the world as being ‘The Great’. Alexander the Great. Historically Alexander the Great was known for his world conquering endeavor and the abrupt end to his conquest with his early and sudden death

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by Rabbi Reuven Ibragimov  Chazak NY Athletes of any genre hit their peak somewhere before their 30th birthday. Thereafter, it’s all downhill. However, there is one exception to that rule, and this is the spiritual athlete.  Spiritual athletes compete against no one, only themselves and their own potential which peaks

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Discovering Chanukah in the Torah

by Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff  Educational Director, Chazak NYC The Ramban in his introduction to Sefer Bereishit tells us that, “Everything is written in the Torah, whether explicitly or by allusion”. Since such a miracle of Chanukah occurred, and a holiday was created because of it, chazal scoured Scripture to find subtle

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by Rabbi Moshe Levy Executive Director, Chazak UK I have asked hundreds of people: when I say Chanukah, what is the first thing you think of? The most common answers are doughnuts, latkes, presents, dreidel, oil, and, of course, menorah. I always find it quite perplexing that almost no one

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Memory Lane

Written by: Rabbi Shlomo Farhi  of The Edmond J Safra Synagogue of Manhattan Chazak Founder & Chairman Memory is a funny thing.  Some of our most vivid memories can be of the most insignificant things. Like the way it felt when mud squished through your toes at the bottom of

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